Register to watch "LMPAEK™ Polymers: The Foundation of Emerging Technologies in Aerospace"

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The potential solutions that LMPAEK™ materials can provide don’t just sit within structural parts or aircraft interiors.

They also include structural thermal runaway protection, lightning strike protection, heat sinking applications, and complex bracketry. LMPAEK™ material-based solutions like unidirectional tapes, films and compounds are well positioned to address sustainability and future challenges. These material forms facilitate the use of automation and high-rate production techniques while doing so with low environmental impact, reduced weight and reduced system costs that transportation markets require.


  • LMPAEK™ materials effect on sustainable parts and structures
  • Potential applications for LMPAEK™ materials
  • LMPAEK™ thermal runaway testing
  • LMPAEK™ materials and automated high rate production
  • Sustainability, reduced weight and reduced system costs with LMPAEK™ materials

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